Your retirement benefit depends upon whether you retire under optional, disability or deferred retirement. Each type of retirement uses a formula to calculate your benefit. DCRB calculates the retirement benefit.


Optional and deferred retirements use the same formula. The maximum benefit is 80% your average base pay*:


2.5% x average base pay x total creditable service

(unused sick leave is added to an optional retirement benefit but not a deferred or disability retirement benefit)


Both POD and non-POD disability retirement benefits use the same formula:


70% x base pay at retirement x percentage of disability as determined by PFRRB

(the minimum POD disability retirement benefit is 40% of base pay and minimum benefit for non-POD disability retirement is 30% of base pay)


*Average base pay is determined by averaging your highest 36 consecutive months of MPD pay. You must retire with 25 years of creditable active MPD service to have your longevity pay used in calculating your retirement annuity (DC Code §§5-544.01(a)(3)(B), 5-723.02). Only purchased LLEO service is credited under the Police & Fire Plan as active MPD service.