On date of hire with MPD, lateral law enforcement officers are automatically covered under the Police & Fire Plan as new Plan participants in the current retirement tier (“Tier 3”).  Under Tier 3, members receive and annual retirement benefit of 2.5% of the average base pay for the total years of credible service.  The maximum annual retirement benefit is 80% of the average base pay. 

Credit for prior lateral service is not automatic.  Incoming lateral law enforcement officers who would like to receive retirement credit under the Police & Fire Plan for their prior law enforcement officer service towards their retirement eligibility and retirement benefit calculation must purchase their prior service at the full actuarial cost.

The District of Columbia Retirement Board (DCRB) is responsible for the Police & Fire Plan and purchase of service calculations. MPD does not serve as an intermediary in this process. Incoming lateral police officer hires are fully responsible for this purchase, if they wish for prior lateral service to count towards retirement.  Neither MPD nor the District is responsible for funding this purchase.  Years of experience credited by MPD is not automatically credited for retirement purposes; that service may only be credited if purchased by the lateral police officer hire at the actuarial rate established by DCRB.