FY2020 salary compensation, based on credited years of prior service is shown below:

Years of Experience Credited by MPD

Starting Step / Salary

< 2 yearsStep 2 - $63,208
2- <3 yearsStep 3 - $66,367
3 - <5 yearsStep 4 - $69,684
5 - < 7 yearsStep 5 - $73,170
7 - <10 yearsStep 6 - $76,814
10 - <13 yearsStep 7 - $80,670
13 - < 15 yearsStep 8 - $84,703
15 yearsStep 8 - $87,839
16 + yearsStep 9 - $92,073

After 18 months of service with MPD, lateral officers will receive an additional 4.2% increase of their current pay.